" Free travelers Meetings"

if you wanna join us in our next meeting, write me ( click on the envelope => )



What are the "Free travelers meetings" ?


If you love travelling, if you love comparing with everyone, 

if you love staying with other people....



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In autumn 2003 we thought about meeting for knowing each other and, of course, for talking about travels, "our travels", mainly for sharing our thoughts and all the best dreams !


Everyone is invited to "Free travelers meetings", meetings in which we know each other for starting a friendship that will have the "travel" as a common ground...

Don't exist differnces of ages, doesn't exist difference between us that travel and the others that not yet, the most important thing is staying together and talk about themselves...








Feeding the dream...

Guys, I perceive in Michele's words a little bit of veiled sadness, and a certain attitude towards pessimism… I feel him, maybe for the first time, a little bit’ tired and maybe ’ scared by ’the idea of having created something so beautiful and involving, to be trapped.

Tormented by that dream that years ago moved him to start a project that, for sure, has never could be immagined to collect in the years the energies of so many people, and create so many “afezionados” to be now, maybe, a little bit’ scared and disorientated by such a big agreement.

Michele doesn't like much to have the spotlights on him, because he is a simple person, as eachone of us and very likely he feels the burden of responsibility of not disappointing anyone and to be ready of having, always and however, a word for everyone of us.

To all of us, I ask you to make Michele feel you presence and encourage to continue to guide our “bandwagon”, to never ever let extinguish that flame of emotions, dreams and friendship that now is heritage of all of us!!…. Let's try to gather around Michele and make him feel that we are here, more than we have already done till now, because I believe none would like to hear again sentences from him like: “…..I don 't know for how long these meeting will take place…” or “…I don't know for how long I will have the right enthusiasm for going on with my website…”.

The dream “Viaggiareliberi/Freetravelers” must be fed and kept alive by everyone, not only from Michele. Let's make that the enthusiasm that move us till now and always characterized us, grows more and more!!

Let's apply the Latin principle “do ut des”… give to receive…. All of us had a lot from Michele because he has always shown helpfulness and real friendship, now let's try to make him feel that we are here and he can rely on us!!…

Free Travelling is of everyone.…Let's contribute to feed the dream…


I'm sure that my thought is also your thought…. and for that reason I embrace you all……You that have Viaggiareliberi in the hearth and in the soul.


Alessandro Ranucci

Partecipanti agli incontri viaggiatori
"Incontro viaggiatori" Veneto, novembre 2003
"Incontro viaggiatori" Emilia Romagna 30 novembre 2003
"Incontro viaggiatori" di Roma 7 marzo 2004
"Incontro viaggiatori" Toscana aprile 2004
"Incontro viaggiatori" in Emilia Romagna, 16 maggio 2004
"Incontro viaggiatori" Marche 2004
mini "Incontro viaggiatori" a Milano, 09-02-05
mini Incontro a Como, 12-03-05
"Incontro viaggiatori" Friuli 2005
"Incontro viaggiatori" Umbria 2005
mini "Incontro viaggiatori" a Milano, 22-09-05
"Incontro viaggiatori" Campania 2005
mini "Incontro viaggiatori" di Milano, 15-02-06
mini "Incontro viaggiatori" Piacenza, 5-03-06
"Incontro viaggiatori" Liguria 2006
mini "Incontro viaggiatori" Milano 24-05-2006
"Incontro viaggiatori" Lazio 2006
mini "Incontro viaggiatori" Milano, ottobre 2006
"Incontro viaggiatori" Piemonte 2006
mini "Incontro viaggiatori" Milano, 24 novembre 2006
mini "Incontro viaggiatori liberi" in Valtellina, 17-02-07
mini "Incontro viaggiatori liberi" Milano, 14 marzo 2007
mini "Incontro viaggiatori FOR AFRICA", 1 aprile 2007
mini "Incontro viaggiatori liberi" A MILANO 18-04-07
"Incontro viaggiatori liberi" Abruzzo 2007
mini "Incontro viaggiatori liberi" Agrate (Mi) 6 giugno 2007
"Incontro viaggiatori liberi" in Trentino 15 luglio 2007
"Incontro viaggiatori liberi in Lombardia"  novembre 2007
"Incontro viaggiatori liberi" in Puglia 2008
"Incontro viaggiatori liberi" in Valle d'Aosta 2008
EDIZIONE SPECIALE-Incontro viaggiatori in Valtellina 20-09-08
"Incontro viaggiatori liberi" in Sicilia 2008
"Incontro viaggiatori liberi" in Spagna 2009
"Incontro viaggiatori liberi" in Calabria 2009
EDIZIONE SPECIALE-Incontro viaggiatori in Valtellina 20-09-09
"Incontro viaggiatori liberi" in Sardegna 2009
"Incontro viaggiatori liberi" in Molise 2010

See you to next meeting in  


MOLISE 1-2 maggio 2010

If you wanna attend, write me!!


and many more, soon...


ROMAGNA (a giugno)




ecc. ecc.




It's not easy to explain what a "Free travelers meeting"is...you should experience it!

Trying to explain it, someone could say that the main stream of our meeting, greatly organized by our guide Michele, is the travel...I mean, the travel in every intimate shape...and then we speak, we talk about ourselves, we share informations...we leave ourselves enchanted by stories and images of unknown places, by stories faraway from us and by smiles that we don't know...

But it's not only this!!!

It's friendship, wine and food...and desire of staying together...

and also that 'black long thing'...is it true Enrica?

You can't miss it, we are waiting for you!



To Elisa,that always live within us...




What are the meetings about?.... Well, what to say... i can just assure you that if you, as I hope, attend to our meeting, you will have the sensation to already have been there and you will find comfortable, as it happened to me at my first meeting in Lazio... in the end, travels are just an excuse to gather together, it's an element that coagulate people from all over Italy, a thickener of stories, adventures, emotions felt travelling..but not only that! I will say more, instead I will say that during these meeting you perceive air of deep quietness and great sharing of interests but mainly great friendship! In the end, this is the reason that each time, move people from all over Italy to attend new meetings, also in remote places, we have the desire of meeting again the old friends but mainly the great willingness to accept new ones...and everything is selfmoving, in a vortex of new experiences and new friends. We are not driven by personal interests nor we will promote anything..... we are outside any kind of commercial interest of advertise...these things don't belong to us.... We are interested in other things....we need just seeing eachother, give us a lot of laughters, eat a lot and drink all together to our friendship and our travels..... You could say many things both about us both about ourbMiguel, who is the creator of this miracle, but I want to leave you with a little curiosity because I'm sure you will come to find us!
See you soon
Alessandro Ranucci



What are the "Free travelers meetings" ? The traveler meeting is a set of emotions that magically come together and it is difficult to wipe out ... will be for the company, will be the place, will be because Michael is the helmsman of this ship, whatever will be, will be a flower, it will be because I love you ... ..... but it's always a good time to have fun, meet new people and review with pleasure who we met last time ...




Hello everybody!!
It's since I opened the site and read those thoughts written in white on black that I whip my head around the possibility that this could have a end, I don't know how or when but it could happen....
At the same time, however, something led me to refuse to take it, no even consider that idea, thinking 'no! It is not possible, we can not right now!"
Then I talked with Michele and, like Alessandro, I noticed in his words, behind his words, a seed of doubt...
Michele has built a real dream: putting together, bring together, make feel good and happy many people with a common passion.
Althougth sometimes they ask him "but what do you do during these meetings??" I believe he cannot reply, though I will be responding "what do you do ?? Nothing!!! you feel happy!!"
Going in Trentino, we were thinking of a theme for each meeting, a question to which respond, to a common issue to be tackled together.
I do not know if this will be done, but I am here! here to organize, to help, advise, to do everything I can so that there will be

"100° free traveler meeting "
and then??



I attended a single meeting, in Frassilongo and I was fine. The thing that pushed me first of all to follow the site free travelers, was to meet travelers to share experiences and also costs, people who make the travel a feeling of unconditional albeit each in their conception and awareness. I am not interested in the idea of belonging to a group, I believe that this site and these gatherings are a time of free and individual experiences that cross beyond affiliations, ideologies or needs of actors and believe that free travel has always gone in this direction, I would not change.
A hug to all
Un abbraccio a tutti




tutti i partecipanti e le partecipazioni





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